U-Tools: Unique Tools for Windows System Administrators
U-Move Help

Operation Failed

After you press the Finish button, it is possible that U-Move might encounter an unexpected error. It will automatically roll back all changes. This will restore the destination computer back to its original state.

Finding the Cause of the Error

The error message is typically generated by the Microsoft operating system. The cause is usually obvious – for example, “The disk is full.” Often you can fix the error by checking with Google. To find a solution try searching Google for the text of the error message. A quick search will often give you the solution to the problem.

The Trace Log File

The trace log file is a text file at C:\Program Files\UMove\TraceLogs\UMoveTrace.txt. If the program encountered a fatal error there will also be a dump file, C:\Program Files\UMove\TraceLogs\UMoveTrace.dmp.

Requesting Technical Support

If the error persists and you are unable to resolve it or find a quick solution on Google, you can contact U-Tools Software to request technical support.

Your license code includes one year of technical support. In your e-mail message please include the following information:

  • Your contact information
  • A description of what you are trying to do (disaster recovery, swing migration, cloning AD for test, etc.)
  • A description of the problem
  • The license code associated with your technical support plan (no support plan is required to report a fatal or internal error)
  • The content of the trace log file (as an e-mail attachment) that includes the error message
  • The content of the dump file (as an attachment) if present
  • The output from Dcdiag /c (as an attachment)
  • The text and Event ID number(s) of any relevant error message(s) in the Event Log

Please include the attachments in your e-mail message and send your message to U-Tools Software technical support. We will respond to your query within one business day.

Please try to include all relevant information. The more detailed and specific you can be regarding the problem, the better we can assist you. Otherwise we will need to ask you for the missing information about the error (e.g., missing trace log file), and this will delay the resolution of your problem.

Enterprise License: Premium 24/7 Support

The U-Move Enterprise license is a premium license that provides high-priority 24/7 technical support direct with the developers on weekends and holidays. If you have an Enterprise support plan please send an e-mail message with your Enterprise license code and state in your message that you are requesting Enterprise telephone support. Please include a call-back telephone number where we can contact you.