U-Tools: Unique Tools for Windows System Administrators
U-Move Help

Google Meet

To schedule an AD Recovery session using Google Meet use the following steps:

  1. Go to Google Meet and select New Meeting.
  2. Select Schedule in Google Calendar or Create a meeting for later.
  3. If you are using Google Calendar, set the meeting title to AD Recovery and set the date and time to your scheduled appointment time. Under Guests add service@u-tools.com. Click on Save.
  4. Copy the ID for joining the meeting (Example: meet.google.com/abc-defg-hij) into an e-mail message and send it to service@u-tools.com.
  5. At the scheduled time, open your browser and begin the meeting. Select Present.
  6. Under Choose what to share select Entire Screen.
  7. When the AD Recovery session begins, record the meeting (recommended).
  8. Use your usual method to access your server from your desktop PC: Microsoft Remote Desktop, VM console, etc.
  9. (Optional) If you want us to run U-Move for you, temporarily grant control of your screen:
    1. Add the Chrome Remote Desktop extension to your Chrome browser.
    2. Visit https://remotedesktop.google.com and click on Share my screen.
    3. Select Share this screen. Install chromeremotedesktophost.msi if prompted.
    4. Click on Generate Code.
    5. Send the code using Google Meet chat. (The code expires after 5 minutes.)
  10. After the service is finished, change any passwords used during the session.

See also Instructions for Service Request