U-Tools: Unique Tools for Windows System Administrators
U-Recover Help

Example: Create a weekly scheduled task for restore points

In this example, you will create an XML script that will create a automatic task for setting a restore point every Sunday night using the Windows Task Scheduler.

Step 1: Create the XML script
  1. Start U-Recover and click on the tab Schedule (top).
  2. click on Schedule Restore Points.
  3. click on Weekly. Set the day to Sunday and the time to run the script (Example: 03:15). Check the box to Wake the computer to run the task (optional).
  4. click on Next to continue.
  5. Select the notification method to alert you if the scheduled task fails. click on Next to continue.
  6. When you see the button Create Scheduled Task, stop. Do not click on the button. Instead right-click or long-press and a popup menu will appear. Select Save Settings. U-Recover will write the interview questions to the file C:\Program Files\URecover\URecoverSettings.xml.
  7. Rename the file URecoverSettings.xml to MakeSysProtTask.xml
Step 2: Run the XML script

To run the script, open an administrative console and type the following:

cd "C:\Program Files\URecover"   (If using PowerShell)
cd /d "C:\Program Files\URecover"   (If using CMD)
URecover.exe -xml MakeSysProtTask.xml

You can build a CMD file or a PowerShell file with the above commands. When you click on the file, U-Recover will create the scheduled task. The scheduled task will set a weekly restore point every Sunday at 03:15. (If the scheduled task already exists it will be replaced.)