U-Tools: Unique Tools for Windows System Administrators
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Enable Remote Management (client side)

To run Server Manager on your desktop PC to manage the new computer as a server, you will need to first configure your desktop PC to authorize the new server to receive your WS-MAN client authentication credentials. This is required because the new computer is not yet a member of the domain.

To 'trust' (authorize) the new remote computer to be allowed to receive your password (authentication credentials), add the computer's name to the list of trust hosts. Type the following command in a PowerShell administrative console on the desktop management PC where you first installed U-Move:

  Set-Item wsman:localhost\client\trustedhosts MyServer
     -Concatenate -Force

Where MyServer is the temporary name that you assigned to the new computer when you installed Windows Server. The name MyServer must match exactly, including the fully qualified domain name if any (e.g., server1.acme.com).

If you are unsure of the server's name, in a test environment you can specify a wildcard (*):

  Set-Item wsman:localhost\client\trustedhosts *

For security reasons a wildcard should not be used on a production network.

The client-side authorization is required any time you run Server Manager without using Kerberos Authentication (for example, the remote computer is not a member of the same domain), or when you specify a naked Internet Address (, or when DNS is not configured correctly - that is, any time when the Server Principal Name (SPN) is unknown.

Authorization is also required if you want to run remote PowerShell scripts (Invoke-Command) or other remote operations that use WinRM and WS-MAN.

For more information

See Enable Remote Management (server side) and Add Servers to Server Manager (Microsoft Docs).