GNU ls for Microsoft Windows


ls is a console utility that lists information on Windows files. It is based on the GNU/Linux ls directory information utility. It displays exhaustive information on DACLs/SACLs, integrity levels, reparse points, shortcuts, hard links, symbolic links, hidden streams, encryption, compaction, virtualization, volume serial number, object tracking identifier, and offline status.

ls is free software. For download information see the GNU ls web page at the UTools web site.

Table of Contents

Basic Information

To invoke ls simply type its name at the command prompt:

> ls
myfile.dat  mytext.txt  word.doc

This shows you a list of files in your current directory. If your system administrator has installed a GNU package (such as Cygnus Cygwin) your system administrator may have have renamed ls to msls to avoid a name conflict with Cygwin's pure UNIX version of ls. If ls does not work try typing msls.

To get basic information on the available command line options you can use the following options. (Every GNU program should accept them).

Print a usage message listing all available options
Print the version number

To get long information use the -l option:

> ls -l
total 158
-ra--a----  1 Alan       68032 Jan 28 17:59 append-only.dat
drwxrwxrwx  1 Alan           0 Jan 27 09:57 dir
-rwE------  1 Alan          15 Jan 27 00:53 encrypted
-rw-r-----$ 1 Alan           5 Jan 24 08:13 file
-rw-r-----$ 1 Alan           5 Jan 24 08:13 file:secret:$DATA
-rwxrwxr-x  1 Alan          10 Jan 29 00:47 myprog.exe
Srw-------  1 Ginger    432254 Jan 11 12:55 sparse-file.dat
-rw-rw-rw-  1 Ginger      3423 Jan 29 04:41 text.txt
-rw-rw-rw-  1 Ginger     40960 Jan 21 02:54 word.doc

A long listing may scroll off the top of your screen. To pause the output between each screenful use the option -M (or --more). To interrupt the output press Control+C or Control+Break at any time.

As with every GNU utility you can abbreviate command options to uniqueness. So instead of typing

> ls -l --acls=very-long myfile.dat

you can abbreviate the command like this,

> ls -l --ac=v myfile.dat

The -l (long) option is implied for many options such as --acls, --sids, --gids, --encryption-users, and --full-time.

To change the current directory use the command cd.

> cd \Documents and Settings\Administrator
> ls -l

To change the drive letter (default C:) append the /d option to cd.

> cd /d D:\
> ls -l

File Permissions

The file permissions in Microsoft's New Technology File System (NTFS) are based on Access Control Lists, or ACLs. An ACL is a list of users and groups that are allowed or denied access to a file.

There are three basic types of permissions. Each has a letter code: r, w, or x.

(In rare cases a file may have append-only permission where the w will change to a.)

There are three groups of rwx mode strings, one for each category of users. Each group can have different permissions to perform any of the above operations on a file:

  1. Yourself
  2. All authenticated users, excluding anonymous users
  3. Everyone, including anonymous users

For example, a file that allows all permissions for yourself and others but denies access by anonymous users would have the mode string rwxrwx---. Revoking write permission from other users would change it to rwxr-x---.

This is only a simplified view of the file permissions. NTFS file permissions are actually much more complex than this. To see the complete ACL use the option --view-security. This will pop up the standard Windows dialog to show very detailed information on the file's ACL:

Click on the Advanced button to see the gory details including special permission flags, auditing, ownership, and effective permissions.

If you are an NTFS expert you might want to see the full ACL printed out. Use --acls=long.

> ls -l --acls=long myfile.dat
-rwxr-x--a  1 Alan         12800 Jan 21 02:54 myfile.dat

The ACL string may be difficult to interpret by inexperienced users (remember this is for NTFS experts). For more human-readable format use --acls=very-long. This will write out the ACL in a very long format that is somewhat more readable.

Remember the first example with --ac=v shown above? Here is the complete output:

> ls --ac=v myfile.dat
-rwxr-x--a  1 Alan         12800 Jan 21 02:54 myfile.dat
                      Append Data
                      Read Attributes
                      Write Attributes
                      Read Security Info
                      Not Inherited
                      Read Attributes
                      Not Inherited
    Administrators:   Full
    SYSTEM:           Full
    Administrator:    Full
    Users:            Read + Execute

Whenever a new file or directory is created it inherits the ACL of its parent directory. If an ACL was created explicitly (i.e., not inherited), it is marked "Not Inherited". ACL inheritance is a standard feature of NTFS. Standard inheritance only applies to newly created files and directories.

ls will also report on a type of inheritance called cascade-propagation. The cascade-propagation of file permissions was introduced in Windows 2000. It cascades the inheritance of ACLs from a directory down to all existing files and directories (and sub-directories and sub-sub-directories) down the directory tree. ls will report on whether changes to permissions will cascade down the directory tree ("Changes will propagate to existing descendants"), report on protection against auto-propagation ("DACL is protected from clobbering by parent"), and report special single-level propagation ("Propagate one level only").

In addition ls will report on System Access Control Lists (SACLs). A SACL is a special form of ACL that is used to monitor access to sensitive files. SACLs will trigger security audit messages in the Event Log whenever the files are accessed (or denied access) by the users or groups being monitored in the SACL. SACLs can only be viewed or changed by system administrators. Regular ACLs are sometimes called Discretionary Access Control Lists (DACLs) to distinguish them from SACLs.

Vista Mandatory Integrity Levels

In addition to DACLs, Windows Vista added a new layer of security to files and registry keys called mandatory integrity levels, sometimes called mandatory labels.

Mandatory integrity levels are entirely separate from DACLs. They can only be set by system administrators. There are five mandatory integrity levels:

If a file or a registry key has no integrity level it defaults to medium.

To view the integrity level of a file use --ac=v.

> ls --ac=v SystemFile.dat

-rw-rw---a  1 SYSTEM         13552 Oct  1 07:56 SystemFile.dat
    Administrators:   Full
    SYSTEM:           Full
    Users:            Read + Execute
System Access Control List:
    High Mandatory Level: Integrity Level
                      Not Inherited

The integrity level is stored in the SACL. An integrity level can have associated with it up to three different types of mandatory protection:

You can set or modify integrity levels using the console command-line utility icacls.exe. You cannot set an integrity level higher than your own. To view your integrity level see Viewing Your Process Token.

File Types

The characters -rwxrwxrwx are called a mode string (this is UNIX jargon). A mode string has an initial character that defines the type of file:

(UNIX supports other file types not listed here.) A compressed file uses NTFS compression to reduce the physical disk size. A sparse file reduces disk usage by not allocating physical disk space for disk sectors that contain all zeros. A link redirects the file path to another location.

Link Types

An l indicates a link. There are three types of links: reparse-points, shortcuts, and symbolic links. A reparse-point redirects ("reparses") the directory path at that point, redirecting it to another location. The location must be on the same file system. A shortcut is a special data file ending in a .LNK suffix. The Windows Shell opens a shortcut when a user clicks on it as an icon in a Windows folder or on the popup menu of the Start button. The shortcut contains a text string that represents the path that the shell is to open to access the real file in another directory. A symbolic link (introduced in Windows Vista) works the same way as a soft link on Linux or Unix. It redirects the file path to another location. The location can be anywhere, including on another drive letter or on a remote file share. The use of symbolic links over a network requires use of Windows Vista (or later) on both the local computer and the remote computer.

Prettifying the Output

ls has several options to add colors and other distinctive decorations to the file names. The most basic option is --color, which decorates the files with various distinctive colors.

Regular files are shown with White Letters
Directories are shown with Green Letters
Executable programs are shown with Yellow Letters
Multimedia files (.mpg, .gif, etc) are shown with Magenta Letters
Compressed archives (.zip, .gz, etc) are shown with Cyan Letters
Compressed NTFS files are also shown with Cyan Letters
if you use --compressed
Special files such as encrypted files, hidden streams,
and symbolic links are shown with
Blue Letters
Broken symbolic links are shown with Red Letters
Recently modified files are shown with Intense White Letters
if you use --recent

Use --recent=n to show files that have been modified within the last n minutes (default n=60). If the recently modified file already has a non-white color, it is shown with inverted colors.

If you don't like the color scheme you can change it with the dircolors utility.

If you are using the console window, keep in mind that you are limited to only 8 total colors. This is a historical artifact of the console colors mimicking the capabilities of the original 1980 IBM PC CGI display.

If you are using a fancier "terminal window" like xterm, rxvt, or EMACS, you can use many more colors (and use different fonts too). On these smarter consoles ls will show --recent files using
Underlined Letters

If you don't like colors (or you have a disability where you cannot see colors) you can use the -F option to classify the file type with a suffix, one of the characters *\@$. The characters denote an executable file *, a directory \, a symbolic link @, or a hidden stream $, respectively.

Use the -h option to show file sizes in human-readable form, such as 1.5M instead of 1502997. The default units are powers of 1024. To use powers of 1000 use --si. SI stands for Système International units. (That's just a fancy way of saying "metric system".)

ls: Files and Options

ls lists information about files of any type. Options and file arguments can be intermixed in any order.

If the file argument is actually a directory name, ls lists its contents. For regular files ls lists just the file name. If no arguments are specified ls lists the contents of the current directory.

Output to the console is displayed in columns -- sorted vertically. Unprintable characters are shown as question marks (?). If the output is redirected to a file ( ls *.dat > filelist ) the output is listed one file per line and any unprintable characters are output as-is.

Special names

Two special directory names are "." and "..", called dot and dot-dot. These represent the current directory and the parent directory. Thus for example ..\foo.dat represents the file foo.dat at one directory level above the current directory.

You can use wildcards such as * and ? to match one or more files. The * matches any number of characters, while ? matches exactly one character. Thus for example *.da? matches foo.dat and, but not

Wildcards are searched using the native NTFS Application Programming Interface (API) for maximum speed. Try ls -ld \\server\c$\windows\system32\*. Assuming you have permission on the server, it will take only a few seconds to report a list of several thousand files.

Command Options

The following is the complete list of command options for ls. Because GNU ls is such a fundamental utility, it has accumulated many options over the years. Msls adds even more options to display information on Microsoft's FAT and NTFS file systems. The options are grouped into categories and described in the sections below.

Options: What information is listed?

These options affect kind of the information that ls displays.

--acls [=style]
Show the Access Control Lists (ACLs). style if specified may be one of

Report the names of users who hold the encryption keys on encrypted files. Also report the names of the recovery agents, if any. For more information see Encrypted Files.


Do not report extended information on slow media such as networks, diskette, or CD-ROMs. For more information see Performance: --slow vs --fast.

--groups [=y/n]
Show POSIX group information in a long format directory listing. POSIX groups are irrelevant in Microsoft Windows; they have no meaning except in the POSIX subsystem. For this reason POSIX groups are normally not shown by the Windows version of ls.

Do not show POSIX group information in a long format directory listing. This is enabled by default on the Windows version of ls.

--gids [=style]
Show the POSIX group Security Identifier. For each file it is translated to the POSIX group name unless -n (numeric) is specified. Implicitly sets -g if style is not not none. style if specified may be one of
Print the inode number (also called the file serial number or the index number) of each file to the left of the file name. This number uniquely identifies each file on a particular disk partition. On NTFS file systems this number can be very long - over 18 digits.

Print information on registry keys. You can use the names HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and HKEY_USERS or their abbreviations hklm, hkcu, and hku. For example, ls -K hklm/software will show all subkeys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software.

In addition to the name of each file, print the following columns: file type, ACL mode string, number of hard links, owner name, group name (if -g), size in bytes, and timestamp (by default the last modification time).

For files with a time more than six months old or in the future, the timestamp contains the year instead of the time of day. If the timestamp contains today's date with the year rather than a time of day, the file's time is in the future, which means you probably have clock skew problems.

For each directory that is listed, the list of files is prefaced with a line that summarizes the count of blocks, where blocks is the total disk allocation for all files in that directory. The block size defaults to 1024 bytes, but this can be overridden (see Block size).

The ACL permissions in the mode string (e.g., -rwxrwxrwx) are explained in File Permissions.

Windows RT Applications: Windows 8 introduced a new runtime (RT) system for applications. These applications run in a very restricted security context that revokes all permissions, except those explicitly granted to ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES (S-1-15-2-1).

A file or directory that grants access to all WinRT apps is shown with capital letters:

The file or directory grants read access to WinRT apps.

The file or directory grants write access to WinRT apps.

The file or directory grants execution access to WinRT apps.

File Attributes: In addition to the standard Unix-style mode string, the Windows version of ls also shows file attributes. File attributes originated with the old MS-DOS FAT file system, which pre-dates Microsoft Windows. File attributes operate independently of NTFS ACL permissions. To show file attributes Windows ls replaces the three character positions used in Unix to indicate execute permission (---x--x--x) since NTFS does not support execute-only files.

The file has the System attribute set. Files with this bit are normally invisible in Windows Explorer and cannot be modified.
The file has the Hidden attribute set. Files with this bit are normally invisible in Windows Explorer.
The file has the Archive attribute set. This bit is set when the file becomes dirty. A file backup operation will clear this bit.
The file is encrypted. See --encryption-users
The file is temporary. Files opened in the %TEMP% folder may sometimes have this bit set.
The file is offline. This usually indicates the presence of a Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) system. An HSM moves infrequently accessed files to tape or some other offline storage medium.
The file is virtual. On Windows Vista this indicates that the file is being redirected from C:\Program Files to a private per-user location (C:\Users\ <username> \AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files). This is for legacy applications that are unaware of User Account Control (UAC). You must use the --virtual option to view virtual files or registry keys. See Vista File and Registry Virtualization.

If a file has the Read-Only attribute set this is indicated with a capital R instead of the normal r. Thus a file with all four attributes set (Read-Only, System, Hidden, and Archive) will have a mode string of -R-s--h---a. (File attributes can be changed with the utility ATTRIB.EXE.)

Finally, if a file contains embedded hidden streams the character $ is appended to the end of the mode string. To view the names of the hidden streams, use --streams.


Produce long format directory listings, but don't display POSIX group information. It is equivalent to using --format=long or -l with -G. Since the Windows version of ls enables -G by default, this option is equivalent to -l.


Display the object tracking identifier for the file (if any). For more information see Object Tracking Identifiers.

Use with -l or -s to report the physical size of the file instead of the logical size. If the file is compressed or sparse the physical size is usually less than the file's logical size. (However if the file is poorly compressed the physical size might actually be larger.)
Print the size of each file to the left of the file name. This is the logical size of the file. Add the option --phys-size to see the physical size.

Normally the disk allocation is printed in units of 1024 bytes, but this can be overridden (see Block size).


Show short 8.3 letter names, as in MS-DOS. For example, instead of showing the file name Information.txt, show INFORM~1.TXT.

--sids [=style]
Show the file owner Security Identifiers (SIDs). For each file the SID is translated to the user name unless -n (numeric) is specified. style if specified may be one of

Get extended information from slow media such as networks, diskette, or CD-ROMs. For more information see Performance: --slow vs --fast.

--streams [=y/n]

Highlight files that contain one or more embedded hidden streams. For more information see Hidden Streams in Files: --streams. If --color is specified, the file is shown with a distinctive color. If -F or -p are specified, the file name is appended with a dollar sign ($). In a long listing (-l) the mode string is appended with a dollar sign ($); see --format=long.


Show your process token. This can be used to determine your elevation status on Windows Vista or Windows 7. See Viewing Your Process Token.


Report the file permissions from the viewpoint of the user name. The mode string will be altered to show the effective file permissions from the viewpoint of the named user.


This will pop up the standard Windows dialog to show very detailed information on the file's ACL. The information includes special permission flags, auditing, ownership, and effective permissions.

To view effective permissions from the viewpoint of another user, press the button "Advanced", then click on on the tab "Effective Permissions". Type in or click on the name of the user whose effective permissions you want to view.

Hidden Streams in Files: --streams

Normally the data in a file consists of a single stream of bytes. It is possible under the NTFS file system to add one or more secondary streams of bytes to a file. These are called hidden streams.

To create or view a hidden stream, append :name to the end of the file name.

As an example,

> ECHO "This is normal data" > myfile.txt
> ECHO "This is sooper seekret" > myfile.txt:secret1
> MORE < myfile.txt:secret1   view the 'seekret'

Use the --streams option to detect the existence of the hidden stream.

> ls -l --streams myfile.txt

-rw-r----a$ 1 Alan          24 Jan 31 21:44 myfile.txt

The dollar sign ($) at the end of the mode string indicates a hidden stream. Note that the size of the hidden data does not show up in the size of the file. To view the name(s) of the hidden stream(s), use a wildcard.

> ls -l --streams my*

-rw-r----a$ 1 Alan          24 Jan 31 21:44 myfile.txt
-rw-r----a$ 1 Alan          39 Jan 31 21:44 myfile.txt:secret1:$DATA

If you view a directory with --streams, ls will search every file in the directory and show the names of every hidden stream.

Each hidden stream has a type suffix. The default type suffix is :$DATA. Other type suffixes can be created with undocumented APIs.

By default ls will search for streams only on the local hard disk. (Searching for streams over a network is a very slow operation.) To view streams on network folders add the --slow option.

Why Hidden Streams?

Hidden streams were originally an attempt by Microsoft to create an object-oriented file system. This was part of the long delayed (and since abandoned) Microsoft project code-named "Cairo," to create a new operating system based on object-oriented design principles.

Use of hidden streams is rare in Microsoft Windows. The most common use is in Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2). SP2 uses a hidden stream to taint downloaded files with a "Security Zone" marker. The taint prevents execution by the Windows Shell.

Hidden streams are sometimes used to hide encryption keys for Digital Rights Management (DRM) in order to prevent viewing by unlicensed DRM users.

In the opinion of the author, hidden streams are a very bad and harmful mis-feature of NTFS, and he believes their use should be avoided. This is because files with hidden streams cannot be copied or backed up without special handling. And they are a hiding place for viruses and malware.

Vista Elevation: Viewing Your Process Token

Windows Vista introduced the concept of User Account Control (UAC). With UAC an administrator does not run with administrative permissions except when he/she explicitly requests it for a specific task. Requesting permission is called elevating the task.

For example, if you open a command console (CMD.EXE) without elevation, it will run with restricted permissions. To view your permissions ls can display your process token. The process token contains all of your security credentials for accessing protected files and registry keys.

To view your process token use --token,

> ls --token

Token Privileges:
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege          ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED

Token Groups:
None                              MANDATORY|ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
Everyone                          MANDATORY|ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
Administrators                    USE_FOR_DENY_ONLY
Users                             MANDATORY|ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
Authenticated Users               MANDATORY|ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
This Organization                 MANDATORY|ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
Medium Mandatory Level            INTEGRITY|INTEGRITY_ENABLED

Token User: Alan
Token Source: 0x00000000001F92ED  User32
Token Origin: SYSTEM
Terminal Services Session ID: 2
Token Elevation Type: Limited
Token has been filtered (restricted).
File/Registry virtualization is allowed.
Token Integrity Level: Medium Mandatory Level
Owner of new objects: Alan

The above is an example of a restricted (filtered) token, i.e., one that is not elevated.

To get an elevated command console click on Start (lower-left corner). In the Vista or Windows 7 search box type cmd. While holding down the Shift and Control keys press the Enter key. This will open a command console in elevated mode. You can verify that the console is elevated by looking for the word “Administrator” in the title bar.

The following is an example of an elevated token:

> ls --token

Token Privileges:
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege          ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
SeImpersonatePrivilege           ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege          ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED

Token Groups:
None                              MANDATORY|ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
Everyone                          MANDATORY|ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
Administrators                    MANDATORY|ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED|OWNER
Users                             MANDATORY|ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
Authenticated Users               MANDATORY|ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
This Organization                 MANDATORY|ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT|ENABLED
High Mandatory Level              INTEGRITY|INTEGRITY_ENABLED

Token User: Alan
Token Source: 0x00000000001F92ED  User32
Token Origin: SYSTEM
Terminal Services Session ID: 2
Token Elevation Type: Full
Token Integrity Level: High Mandatory Level
Owner of new objects: Administrators

When using UAC ls will show the current running token and also the associated (linked) non-elevated token.

Encrypted Files

The NTFS file system supports encryption on files. Files can be encrypted using Windows Explorer or the command-line utility CIPHER.EXE. ls indicates encrypted files with a capital E in the mode string.

> ls -l

-rwE-----a 1 Alan          24 Jan 31 21:44 myfile.txt

To view the names of users who possess an encryption key for the file, use the option --encryption-users.

> ls -l --encryption-users
> ls --en

-rwE-----a 1 Alan          24 Jan 31 21:44 myfile.txt
             Encryption key: Alan(Alan@GOLLUM)
             Encryption key: Ginger(Ginger@GOLLUM)
             Recovery Agent: Administrator

The second example above uses the abbreviation --en and drops the -l because it is implied.

In this example the users Alan and Ginger possess encryption keys for the file. The user Administrator is designated as a recovery agent. A recovery agent can recover the contents of the file if the original user forgets his password.

Upon recovery all encryption keys are erased. You can detect that the administrator recovered your file if --enc shows that your encryption key is no longer listed. (This is because nobody has access to your encryption key except yourself, not even system administrators.) If you no longer see your name or group listed, it means that someone with a Recovery Agent password has forced (recovered) access to your private encrypted file.

Object Tracking Identifiers

The NTFS file system uses object tracking identifiers to track files and directories. They are invisible to most applications. To view the object tracking identifier on a file or folder, use the option --object-id.

> ls -l --object-id
> ls --obj

drwxr-x---  1 Alan           0 Nov  4 12:59 File1.txt
drwxr-x---  1 Alan           0 Nov  5 18:24 File2.txt
     Object ID: 9f 87 14 e4 cf 8b dc 11 b1 fc 00 50 56 c0 00 01
                70 6b 86 38 56 ac 92 4d b1 e0 79 a6 7b de 93 55
                9f 87 14 e4 cf 8b dc 11 b1 fc 00 50 56 c0 00 01
                00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
      ObjectID: {e414879f-8bcf-11dc-b1fc-005056c00001}
 BirthVolumeID: {38866b70-ac56-4d92-b1e0-79a67bde9355}
 BirthObjectID: {e414879f-8bcf-11dc-b1fc-005056c00001}

The example above uses the abbreviation --obj and drops the -l because it is implied.

In the example the file named File2.txt has an object tracking ID. The object tracking information is always exactly 48 bytes long. By convention the data is grouped into four 16-byte Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs). The first GUID is uniquely identifies the file, the second GUID identifies the Volume ID where the file was originally created (“born”), the third GUID is the ID that was originally assigned when the file was born, and the fourth GUID identifies the network domain (if any).

The data can be interpreted in any way by the application. Object IDs are typically used by the Windows Shell to track the movement of the target of a file shortcut (.LNK suffix). The Distributed Link Tracking Service on a file server maintains a database of object IDs to permit tracking of orphan .LNK targets across the network. Finally, the NT File Replication Service (NTFRS) uses object IDs on the SYSVOL volume to track the replication of files between domain controllers.

Performance: --slow vs --fast

Some types of extended information will cause ls to run slowly if they are used on slow media such as network folders, diskettes, or CD-ROMs. The --fast option limits the reporting of extended information on slow media.

The following types of extended information are considered "slow":

If neither --slow nor --fast are specified, the --fast option is implied by default unless you include one one of the slow options listed above (--acls, --sids, etc).

If you explicitly add --fast on the command line, it disables all slow options when used on slow media, regardless of the inclusion any slow options on the command line.

If you explicitly add the --slow option on the command line, it will report all extended information regardless of the type of media.

You can force ls to use either option by appending --fast or --slow to the LS_OPTIONS environment variable. See customizing ls.

Options: Which files are listed?

These options determine which files ls lists information for. By default, all files and the contents of all directories listed on the command line are shown. When showing the contents of directories, files beginning with . (dot) are skipped.

List all files in directories, including files that start with ..
List all files in directories except for . and ...
Do not list files that end with ~, unless they are given on the command line.

List just the names of directories, as with other types of files, rather than listing their contents.

Do not list files whose names match the shell pattern (not regular expression) pattern unless they are given on the command line. As in the shell, an initial . in a file name does not match a wildcard at the start of pattern. Sometimes it is useful to give this option several times. For example,
ls --ignore ".??*" --ignore ".[^.]" --ignore "#*"

The first option ignores names of length 3 or more that start with ., the second ignores all two-character names that start with . except .., and the third ignores names that start with #.

In a long listing, show file information (e.g., times and permissions) for the referents of symbolic links rather than for the symbolic links themselves.

List the contents of all directories recursively.


On Windows Vista or Windows 7 show the virtual view of files and registry keys. This option has no effect on older operating systems. See Vista File and Registry Virtualization.


On a 64-bit operating system show the 32-bit view of files and registry keys. The option has no effect on 32-bit operating systems.


On a 64-bit operating system show the 64-bit view of files and registry keys. This is the default on 64-bit operating systems. The option has no effect on 32-bit operating systems.

64-bit Operating Systems

ls is aware of 64-bit operating systems. ls is not fooled by 32-bit/64-bit folder direction. For example if you attempt to view the folder \Windows\System32 on a 64-bit operating system, ls will show the actual contents of the folder. It will not show the 32-bit shadow folder \Windows\SysWOW64.

To show the "redirected" view of the file tree (that is, the view as seen by 32-bit applications) use the option --32.

If you view the contents of a registry key with the -K option, ls will show the real registry contents. For example if you attempt to view the Software registry key HKLM\Software, ls will show you the actual contents of the key. It will not show (as 32-bit apps would) the redirected shadow key HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node.

To show the "redirected" view of the registry tree (that is, the view as seen by 32-bit applications) use the option -K --32.

Vista File and Registry Virtualization

ls is aware of file virtualization and registry virtualization that was introduced in Windows Vista.

Virtualization is triggered whenever you run a legacy pre-Vista application in non-elevated mode. Virtualization fools these legacy applications into believing they can install files in C:\Program Files and registry values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software.

Instead the files are redirected to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files. The registry values are redirected to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ VirtualStore\MACHINE\Software.

To show the virtual view of the file tree or registry tree (that is, the view as seen by legacy applications not running in elevated mode) use the option --virtual. Files and registry values that are virtual are indicated by a capital V in the mode string:

> ls -l --virt "C:\Program Files"

drwxr-x--V  1 Alan                0 Oct  2 18:48 MyApplication
dr-xr-x---  1 TrustedInstaller    0 Sep 21 20:01 Common Files
dr-xr-x---  1 TrustedInstaller    0 Aug 15 23:47 Internet Explorer
dr-xr-x---  1 SYSTEM              0 Sep  6 11:45 Microsoft Office
dr-xr-x---  1 TrustedInstaller    0 Sep 11 23:40 Windows Mail
dr-xr-x---  1 TrustedInstaller    0 Nov  2  2006 Windows Photo Gallery
dr-xr-x---  1 TrustedInstaller    0 Nov  2  2006 Windows Sidebar

In the above example MyApplication is a virtual folder.

Registry keys work similarly.

> ls -K -l --virt HKLM\Software\Algin

dr-xr-x---  1 Administrators      0 Aug 16 01:19 License
-rwx------  1 SYSTEM             19 Oct  3 10:10 PathWWWRoot
-rwx-----V  1 SYSTEM              4 Oct  3 10:10 MyValue
            REG_DWORD=1 (0x00000001)

In the above example MyValue is a virtual registry value.

Options: Sorting the output

These options change the order in which ls sorts the information it outputs. By default, sorting is done in the order of the user's default code page (e.g., ISO-8859-1 for the Western Latin character set).

If the long listing format (e.g., -l, -o) is being used, print the creation time instead of the modification time. When explicitly sorting by time (--sort=time or -t) or when not using a long listing format, sort according to the creation time.
Like -U but also enable -a (list all files) and disable -l, --color, and -s (if they were specified before the -f).
Reverse whatever the sorting method is--e.g., list files in reverse alphabetical order, youngest first, smallest first, or whatever.
Sort by file size, largest first.
Sort by modification time (the mtime in the inode), newest first.
If the long listing format (--format=long or -l) is being used, print the last access time (the atime in the inode). When explicitly sorting by time (--sort=time or -t) or when not using a long listing format, sort according to the access time.
Do not sort; list the files in whatever order they are stored in the directory. Since file names in NTFS are always pre-sorted by the operating system, this flag has no effect on NTFS file systems.
Sort by version name and number, lowest first. It behaves like a default sort, except that each sequence of decimal digits is treated numerically as an index/version number. (See More details about version sort.)
Sort directory contents alphabetically by file extension (characters after the last .); files with no extension are sorted first.

Sort using case-sensitive collation. Windows file names are case-insensitive. For this reason the Windows version of ls by default will ignore the capitalization of file names. Use this option to force upper case letters to sort ahead of all lower case letters. This is the same sorting method that UNIX uses.

More details about version sort

The version sort takes into account the fact that file names frequently include indices or version numbers. Standard sorting functions usually do not produce the ordering that people expect because comparisons are made on a character-by-character basis. The version sort addresses this problem, and is especially useful when browsing directories that contain many files with indices/version numbers in their names:

      > ls -1          > ls -1v
      foo.zml-1.gz       foo.zml-1.gz
      foo.zml-100.gz     foo.zml-2.gz
      foo.zml-12.gz      foo.zml-6.gz
      foo.zml-13.gz      foo.zml-12.gz
      foo.zml-2.gz       foo.zml-13.gz
      foo.zml-25.gz      foo.zml-25.gz
      foo.zml-6.gz       foo.zml-100.gz

Numeric parts with leading zeroes are considered a fraction:

      > ls -1          > ls -1v
      abc-1.007.tgz      abc-1.007.tgz
      abc-1.012b.tgz     abc-1.01a.tgz
      abc-1.01a.tgz      abc-1.012b.tgz

Options: General output formatting

These options affect the appearance of the overall output.

List one file per line. This is set by default when redirecting the output to a file: ls > myfile.
Display the output using the ANSI code page instead of the OEM code page. This is the default when the console is using a TrueType (TT) font, such as Lucidia Console or Consolas. It is also the default when redirecting the output to a text file (ls > myfile.txt), or to a pipe. (ls -l | grep -i "Alan")   See --oem-cp. You may need to explicitly specify --ansi-cp in order to display files that contain CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) characters in a console window running under the Multilingual User Interface (MUI) editions of Windows. This is because in the MUI editions of Windows the default console OEM character set is always US-English, which is incorrect for the display of CJK file names.
List files in columns, sorted vertically. This is the default for ls if standard output is a command console. ls uses variable width columns to display as many files as possible in the fewest lines.

This option is used only within the EMACS text editor. With the long listing (-l) format, print an additional line after the main output:

//DIRED// beg1 end1 beg2 end2 ...

The begN and endN are unsigned integers that record the byte position of the beginning and end of each file name in the output. This makes it easy for EMACS to find the names, even when they contain unusual characters such as space or newline, without fancy searching.

If directories are being listed recursively (-R), output a similar line after each subdirectory:

//SUBDIRED// format beg1 end1 ...

Finally, output a line of the form:

//DIRED-OPTIONS// --quoting-style=word
where word is the quoting style (see Formatting the file names).


Append one of the characters *\@$ to indicate the file type. The characters denote an executable file *, a directory \, a symbolic link @, or a hidden stream $, respectively.


Append a size letter such as M for megabytes to each size. Powers of 1024 are used, not 1000; M stands for 1,048,576 bytes. Use the --si option if you prefer powers of 1000.


Append a size letter such as M for megabytes to each size. (SI is the International System of Units, which defines these letters as suffixes.) Powers of 1000 are used, not 1024; M stands for 1,000,000 bytes. Use the -h or --human-readable option if you prefer powers of 1024.


Append a character indicator with style word to entry names.

  • none - Do not append any character indicator; this is the default.
  • file-type - Append \ for directories, @ for symbolic links, $ for a hidden stream, and nothing for regular files. This is the same as the -p or --file-type option.
  • classify - Append * for executable regular files, otherwise behave as for file-type. This is the same as the -F or --classify option.
Print file sizes in 1024-byte blocks, overriding the default block size (see Block size).
List files horizontally, with as many as will fit on each line, separated by , (a comma and a space).
Pause the output to the console between each screenful, using a built-in pager. Press any key to continue. Due to a design mistake by Microsoft in the way that the Windows console works, colorized output is impossible when piped through an external pager utility like more: ls | more. This option was added to the Windows version of ls to work around the problem.

List the numeric UID and GID instead of the names.


Display the output using the OEM code page. This is the default when displaying the output to a console window that is using a raster font (not a TrueType font). See --ansi-cp.


Append a character to each file name indicating the file type. This is like -F, except that executables are not marked.

-x format

List the files in columns, sorted horizontally.

-T cols

Assume that each tabstop is cols columns wide. The default is eight characters. ls uses tabs where possible in the output, for efficiency. If cols is zero, do not use tabs at all.

-w cols

Assume the screen is cols columns wide. The default is taken from the terminal settings if possible; otherwise the environment variable COLUMNS is used if it is set; otherwise the default is 80.

Block size

ls can display file sizes in "blocks". You can adjust the block size to make file sizes easier to read. The block size used for display is independent of any filesystem block size.

Normally, disk usage sizes are rounded up, disk free space sizes are rounded down, and other sizes are rounded to the nearest value with ties rounding to an even value.

The default block size is chosen by examining the following environment variables in turn; the first one that is set determines the block size.

This specifies the default block size for ls.
If LS_BLOCK_SIZE is not set, but this variable is set, the block size defaults to 512.

If none of the above environment variables are set, the block size defaults to 1024 bytes.

A block size specification can be a positive integer specifying the number of bytes per block, or it can be human-readable or si to select a human-readable format.

With human-readable formats, output sizes are followed by a size letter such as M for megabytes. LS_BLOCK_SIZE=human-readable uses powers of 1024; M stands for 1,048,576 bytes. LS_BLOCK_SIZE=si is similar, but uses powers of 1000; M stands for 1,000,000 bytes. (SI, the International System of Units, defines these power-of-1000 suffixes.)

An integer block size can be followed by a size letter to specify a multiple of that size. When this notation is used, the size letters normally stand for powers of 1024, and can be followed by an optional B for "byte"; but if followed by D (for "decimal byte"), they stand for powers of 1000. For example, LS_BLOCK_SIZE=4MB is equivalent to LS_BLOCK_SIZE=4194304, and LS_BLOCK_SIZE=4MD is equivalent to LS_BLOCK_SIZE=4000000.

The following size letters are defined. Large sizes like 1Y may be rejected by your computer due to limitations of its arithmetic.

kilo: 2^10 = 1024 for human-readable, or 10^3 = 1000 for si.
Mega: 2^20 = 1,048,576 or 10^6 = 1,000,000.
Giga: 2^30 = 1,073,741,824 or 10^9 = 1,000,000,000.
Tera: 2^40 = 1,099,511,627,776 or 10^12 = 1,000,000,000,000.
Peta: 2^50 = 1,125,899,906,842,624 or 10^15 = 1,000,000,000,000,000.
Exa: 2^60 = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 or 10^18 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Zetta: 2^70 = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 or 10^21 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Yotta: 2^80 = 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 or 10^24 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

Block size defaults can be overridden by an explicit --block-size=size option. The -k or --kilobytes option is equivalent to --block-size=1k, which is the default unless the POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable is set. The -h or --human-readable option is equivalent to --block-size=human-readable. The --si option is equivalent to --block-size=si.

Time Style

By default, file timestamps are listed in abbreviated form. Most locales use a timestamp like ‘2002-03-30 23:45’. However, the default POSIX locale uses a date like ‘Mar 30 2002’ for non-recent timestamps, and a date-without-year and time like ‘Mar 30 23:45’ for recent timestamps.

A timestamp is considered to be recent if it is less than six months old, and is not dated in the future. If a timestamp dated today is not listed in recent form, the timestamp is in the future, which means you probably have clock skew problems which may break programs like nmake that rely on file timestamps.

The following option changes how file timestamps are printed.


List times using full precision, rather than using an abbreviation. This is useful when you need to know the exact file time down to the nearest second. For example, this can help when you have a Makefile that is not regenerating files properly.


List timestamps in style style. The style should be one of the following:

List timestamps using format, where format is interpreted like the format argument of the C library function strftime(). For example, --time-style="+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" causes ls to list timestamps like ‘2002-03-30 23:45:56’.

If format contains two format strings separated by a an exclamation sign (!), the former is used for non-recent files and the latter for recent files. If you want output columns to line up, you may need to insert spaces in one of the two formats.

List timestamps in full using ISO 8601 date and time format, e.g., ‘2002-03-30 23:45:56’. This style is equivalent to ‘+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’. To include the time zone append %Z.
List ISO 8601 date and time in minutes, e.g., ‘2002-03-30 23:45’. This style is equivalent to ‘+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M<’.
List ISO 8601 dates for non-recent timestamps (e.g., ‘2002-03-30 ’), and ISO 8601 month, day, hour, and minute for recent timestamps (e.g., ‘03-30 23:45’). These timestamps are uglier than ‘long-iso’ timestamps, but they carry nearly the same information in a smaller space and their brevity helps ls output fit within traditional 80-column output lines. The following two invocations are equivalent:
               ls -l --time-style="+%Y-%m-%d!%m-%d %H:%M"
               ls -l --time-style="iso"
List timestamps in a locale-dependent form. For example, a Finnish locale might list non-recent timestamps like maalis 30 2002 and recent timestamps like maalis 30 23:45’. Locale-dependent timestamps typically consume more space than iso timestamps and are harder for programs to parse because locale conventions vary so widely, but they are easier for many people to read.

The default POSIX locale uses timestamps like ‘Mar 30 2002’ and ‘Mar 30 23:45’; in this locale, the following two ls invocations are equivalent:

               ls -l --time-style="+%b %d  %Y!%b %d %H:%M"
               ls -l --time-style="locale"

You can specify the default value of the --time-style option with the environment variable TIME_STYLE. If TIME_STYLE is not set the default style is locale.

Options: Formatting the file names

These options change how file names themselves are printed.


Quote nongraphic characters in file names using alphabetic and octal backslash sequences like those used in the C programming language.

--color [=when]
Specify whether to use color for distinguishing file types. when may be omitted or be one of
  • none - Do not use color at all. This is the default.
  • auto - Only use color if standard output is a command console.
  • always - Always use color.

To customize the choice of colors use the dircolors utility.

Specifying --color without when is equivalent to --color=always. Due to a design mistake by Microsoft in the way that the Windows console works, --color=always has no affect when piping a colorized listing through a pager like more (for example ls | more). Instead the -M (or --more) option was added to the Windows version of ls to work around the problem. See --more.


Show compressed files with a distinct color. Implies --color.

Do not quote file names.
Print question marks instead of nongraphic characters in file names. This is the default if the output is a command console and the program is ls.

Enclose file names in double quotes. Quote nongraphic characters as in the C programming language.

Use style word to quote output names. The word should be one of the following:
Output names as-is.
Quote names for the shell if they contain shell metacharacters or would cause ambiguous output.
Quote names for the shell, even if they would normally not require quoting.
Quote names as for a C language string; this is the same as the -Q or --quote-name option.
Quote as with c except omit the surrounding double-quote characters; this is the same as the -b or --escape option.
Quote as with c except use quotation marks appropriate for the locale.
Like clocale, but quote `like this' instead of "like this" in the default C locale. This looks nicer on many displays.

You can specify the default value of the --quoting-style option with the environment variable QUOTING_STYLE.

--recent [=n]

Show files that have changed within the last n minutes using a distinctive color marking. When n is omitted the default is the last 60 minutes. Implies --color.

When using a 'smart' console window such as xterm, rxvt, or EMACS the name of the file is underlined. When using a DOS console window ls displays intense white letters; for special files it displays the special color of the file inverted with the background color.

Print nongraphic characters as-is in file names. This is the default unless the output is a command console.

Customizing ls

Use the environment variable LS_OPTIONS to set default options.

The author recommends the following settings for LS_OPTIONS:

  -bhAC --more --color=auto --recent --streams

You can set LS_OPTIONS as part of a your DOS console initialization. In your DOS console shortcut, right-click on Properties and set the Target to

  %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /K C:\lbin\console.bat

Then put the following information in the file C:\lbin\console.bat:

@echo off
rem Set options for ls
set LS_OPTIONS=-bhAC --more --color=auto --recent --streams

Another method is to set the LS_OPTIONS environment variable using the Control Panel. (The following instructions will vary slightly depending on the version of Microsoft Windows.) Click on Control Panel -> System. Click on the Advanced tab and the button Environment Variables. Click on the button New. For the Variable Name type LS_OPTIONS. For the Variable Value type -bhAC --more --color=auto --recent --streams

Note: If you put "slow" options in LS_OPTIONS, it will not force the activation of "slow mode". For example, if you put --streams into LS_OPTIONS, it does not force the use of slow mode when viewing files over a network. If you do want to use slow mode all the time, you must explicitly add --slow in LS_OPTIONS. For more information on performance issues, see Performance: --slow vs --fast.

dircolors: Color setup for ls

dircolors outputs a sequence of shell commands to set up the terminal for color output from ls.

If file is specified, dircolors reads it to determine which colors to use for which file types and extensions. Otherwise, a precompiled database is used. For details on the format of these files, run dircolors --print-database.

The output is a shell command to set the LS_COLORS environment variable. You can specify the shell syntax to use on the command line, or dircolors will guess it from the value of the SHELL environment variable.

The program accepts the following options.

Output Bourne shell commands. This is the default if the SHELL environment variable is set and does not end with csh or tcsh.
Output C shell commands. This is the default if SHELL ends with csh or tcsh.
Output DOS batch commands. This is the default if SHELL is missing.
Print the (compiled-in) default color configuration database. This output is itself a valid configuration file. The output is shown below.
# Configuration file for dircolors, a utility to help you set the
# LS_COLORS environment variable used by GNU ls with the --color option.

# The keywords COLOR, OPTIONS, and EIGHTBIT (honored by the
# slackware version of dircolors) are recognized but ignored.

# Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable
TERM console
TERM xterm
TERM xterm-debian
TERM rxvt
TERM screen
TERM screen-w
TERM vt100

# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
# Attribute codes:
# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
# Text color codes:
# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
# Background color codes:
# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
NORMAL 00     # global default, although everything should be something.
FILE 00       # normal file
DIR 01;32     # directory
LINK 01;34    # symbolic link.  (If you set this to 'target' instead of a
              # numerical value, the color is as for the file pointed to.)
FIFO 40;33    # pipe
SOCK 01;35    # socket
DOOR 01;35    # door
BLK 40;33     # block device driver
CHR 40;33     # character device driver
ORPHAN 40;31;01 # symlink to nonexistent file

# This is for files with execute permission:
EXEC 01;33

# Highlight recently modified files - underscore
RECENT ;04   # leading semicolon required

# Highlight compressed files - bright cyan
COMPRESSED ;01;36  # leading semicolon required

# Highlight files with embedded streams - blue
STREAMS ;01;34  # leading semicolon required

# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
# (and any comments you want to add after a '#')

# DOS-style suffixes:
.cmd 01;33 # executables (bright yellow)
.bat 01;33
.exe 01;33
.com 01;33
#.dll 01;33
#.sys 01;33

.tar 01;36 # archives or compressed (bright cyan)
.tgz 01;36
.arj 01;36
.taz 01;36
.lzh 01;36
.zip 01;36
.z   01;36
.Z   01;36
.gz  01;36
.bz2 01;36
.deb 01;36
.rpm 01;36

# image formats (magenta)
.jpg 01;35
.png 01;35
.gif 01;35
.bmp 01;35
.ppm 01;35
.tga 01;35
.xbm 01;35
.xpm 01;35
.tif 01;35
.cdr 01;35
.mpg 01;35
.wmv 01;35
.avi 01;35
.fli 01;35
.gl 01;35
.dl 01;35

Given this file as input, dircolors will print the following output:

@echo off
rem Batch script for setting file colors for ls.exe
set LS_COLORS=no=00:fi=00:di=01;32:ln=01;34:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:

(Splice the set line together so that it forms a single line.) You can run this batch script from your shortcut icon: cmd.exe /K c:\lbin\console.bat
Or cut-and-paste the above string (starting with "no=00:...") into the Environment Settings dialog for the System applet in the Control Panel, using the environment variable name LS_COLORS.


msls, aka Windows ls, was adapted from GNU ls, written by Richard Stallman and David MacKenzie. The Microsoft Windows extensions were written by Alan Klietz. This document was adapted from the GNU fileutils documentation for ls, originally written written by David MacKenzie and Jim Meyering.

Please send feedback and bug reports regarding the Windows version of ls (msls) to msls@u-tools·com.

Microsoft Windows modifications copyright © U-Tools Software LLC.
Distributed under GNU General Public License version 2.